Sunday School
We are a small, close-knit Sunday school and provide instruction for ages 4 through Grade 6. The Sunday school program teaching model used at Grace is an all-kids/all-grades curriculum with classes merged as one to encourage increased interaction between younger and older students.
- Whirl all kids
- Time: Sundays from ~10:00-11:00am (children are excused mid-Worship to attend SS)
- Whirl All-kids curriculum includes one hour or engagement among all ages of children studying Bible stories and applied to everyday life through: Bible lessons, DVD learning tool, activities, crafts, singing and snack
- Sunday School children regularly sing their songs during Worship to share God’s and Jesus’s Love with our Congregation
- Annually the Sunday School children attend Vacation Bible School through a rewarding Partnership with First Lutheran Church of Detroit Lakes and Luther Crest Bible Camp
- Camperships available for children to attend Church Camps
- ELCA Good Gifts
- Christmas Giving Tree
- God’s Work Our Hands (Congregation and Community actions)
- Backpack Program
Our Sunday School families regularly join with other members of the Congregation to enjoy Fellowship inside and beyond the Church walls. Some examples include:
- Sledding parties
- PJ and movie parties
- Fall visits to the local Pumpkin Patch
- Picnics
- Caroling at long-term care facilities
- Easter Egg Hunts
Events in February 2025
- There are no events scheduled during these dates.